Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
Selamat Lebaran Selamat Liburan Selamat Mudik
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
Selamat Lebaran Selamat Liburan Selamat Mudik
Eh sebentar... hari apa sih sekarang? Gini nih kalo liburan pasti jadi buta hari dan tanggal, berasa setiap hari itu hari Minggu hahahaha. So, how's your takbiran night? How's your lebaran day? How's your holiday? And how's your mudik? Me? hhm Soso lah nothing special in Lebaran right now. Just silahturahmi with my cousin, grandparents, and blahblahblah. Sound bored, huh? Yeah memang -_-
Rasa nya ini lebaran yg paling biasa saja, sangat biasa. Saya tidak mudik, saldo THR saya sampai saat ini Rp 0,00. How suck! Gara gara udah gede kali ya jadinya pada engga ngasih THR. Gue jadi mikir apa THR cuma buat anak kecil, itu juga dikasih nya 2000an atau 5000an kan, paling gede 20000an. Sama buat orang kantoran aja, itu juga dari kantor nya kan. Rasanya pengen cepet cepet kerja aja gitu wakakak. Kerja apa ya gue ntar? wakak kepikiran lagi kan tuh.
Sooooooooo, i don't know what to type, and sooo, let me share some photos. Play with the texture, it's soooo fun ya know! Eh ya, thanks before to Kak Maya ya hihi :)
Rasa nya ini lebaran yg paling biasa saja, sangat biasa. Saya tidak mudik, saldo THR saya sampai saat ini Rp 0,00. How suck! Gara gara udah gede kali ya jadinya pada engga ngasih THR. Gue jadi mikir apa THR cuma buat anak kecil, itu juga dikasih nya 2000an atau 5000an kan, paling gede 20000an. Sama buat orang kantoran aja, itu juga dari kantor nya kan. Rasanya pengen cepet cepet kerja aja gitu wakakak. Kerja apa ya gue ntar? wakak kepikiran lagi kan tuh.
Sooooooooo, i don't know what to type, and sooo, let me share some photos. Play with the texture, it's soooo fun ya know! Eh ya, thanks before to Kak Maya ya hihi :)
You can find and download the texture in deviantart.
And suddenly,
I feel so dizzy.
I feel so full, too much eating today.
I really miss my school.
I really miss my friends.
I really miss my teachers (seriously).
I really miss the social subject.
I really miss to use pen, pencil, eraser, tip-x, and all kinds of.
I really miss when i'm sleep in class hahaha.
I really miss the noisy situation class.
I really miss saman.
I really miss when tracesa had exercise.
I want to go to salon.
I want to cut my bang.
I want to cut my hair, but i canceled it.
I want to creambath.
I want to read The Lost Symbol novel.
I want to watch BBF ep. 5 again, it's my favorite part tee-hee.
So, bye ppl!
Oh ya terus tadi gue jalan gitu kan tadi nya mau ke Cimory, tau kan tempat susu itu loh, pokonya enak deh! Tapi muaceeeeeeeeeeeeeet nya minta ampun, si komo kya nya lagi lewat tuh. Jadi nya belok deh ke Bogor dan tanpa tujuan. Jadi kita cuma ke Ekalokasari Plaza. Ada yg tau? Ya pokonya itu lah. Terus tadi lewat Gramedia nya, terusssssssssssssssss liat ini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA novel terbaru nya Dan Brown! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA mamamamamama beliin ini mama beliin! Aku mau aku mau punya aku mau baca ini!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA suka banget gue sama buku buku nya Dan Brown tuh kueren gelaaaaa (oke lebay). Ah pokonya harus beli ya pokonya harus punya harus!!!!!!!!!!!! Bodo deh pake uang sendiri juga kaga ngapa hahahaha.
And suddenly,
I feel so dizzy.
I feel so full, too much eating today.
I really miss my school.
I really miss my friends.
I really miss my teachers (seriously).
I really miss the social subject.
I really miss to use pen, pencil, eraser, tip-x, and all kinds of.
I really miss when i'm sleep in class hahaha.
I really miss the noisy situation class.
I really miss saman.
I really miss when tracesa had exercise.
I want to go to salon.
I want to cut my bang.
I want to cut my hair, but i canceled it.
I want to creambath.
I want to read The Lost Symbol novel.
I want to watch BBF ep. 5 again, it's my favorite part tee-hee.
AND, I really want to go to Korea, R-I-G-H-T-N-O-W-! So please, somebody, take me thereeee!!!!! I'm begging you huuu.
And then, i really really really don't know what to type.So, bye ppl!
samasama ya sisil :) berhasil juga akhirnya haha
iya kak akhir nya berhasil juga hehehe :D
heheh cantik hihi
wahaaa terima kasih ocky :)
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