Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Just Cellphone, Poladroid, & Omegle Thingy

See? My cellphone has no signal! It has been 5 days ago. And i don't know why. I can't call or send a message and i can't receive call or message too. It's like 'krik krik' banget hp gue. Jadi punya hp tapi berasa engga punya. I asked my mom, and she said "Sudah waktunya", and me answer "Heh? What's your mean? -,,-". Emang gitu ya? Emang ada waktu nya apa sim card jadi engga dapet signal gitu? ANEH! Oke, it did not helped. So, i asked my auntie. Why i asked her? Because she work at Indosat, so i hope she can helped me. She said that my sim card was broken and i have to changed it. But, OH NO!! I'm too lazy to changed my cellphone number, i'm too lazy to tell everybody that i have new number with send them a message hehehe. Tapi, OH IYA! Gue lupa kalo nomer sim card itu bisa diduplikat! Yippieeeeeee :) jadi nya gue cuma ganti sim card nya aja tapi dengan nomer yg sama hahaha. Okay, don't be too long ya auntie, i'm waiting for my new sim card ahihi ;)

Anyway, i just instaled Poladroid. It's soooo cool!!! I love it :9 sebener nya gue tau Poladroid udah dari lama tapi baru kepengen buat instal sekarang hahaheeee.
And this is some of my photos. Take a look!

Hotie Hotie

I MISS THIS MOMENT SOOO MUCH!!!!! Can i turn back the time? :''''''(

And i miss my rainbows so much too huhu. Asa move t0 42, Saphira and Meirin move to 91. How are you, guys?

Oh ya, i wanna share an omegle thingy. Me and my friend, Basya, Arin, Bani, Dira, Lala, Uti tried it in school at computer lesson. And i'm really sorry for the bad words. Basya who type it, not me (salahin Basya wakakak canda Bas).

WAKAKAKAKAKAK goblok abis itu dibilang dari FBI langsung disconnected. Emang enak lu kita kerjain hahaha. Malah dia sempet ngasih email nya dia lagi hahaha mampus lo makanya jangan suka yg kya gitu gitu wakakak ntar didatengin FBI beneran aja baru tau rasa hahahaha gue rasa dia langsung delete email dia yg itu terus buat baru tuh hahahahahahahahahaha.

Okay, enough for this post ya.

Bubuy bulan bubuy bubuy hahahahaha.


I can't sleep everynight. I'm just thinking of you. Actually i'm not loving you, i'm not missing you, REALLY. But why you always come to my mind?? Hush, hush, hush, go away from my mind, go away from meeeeeeeeee :(
btw, gue puasa masih bolong 8 dan belom tau mau bayar kapan. What 'bout you, girl?


Anonymous said...

hahahaha :D sumpah kocak banget. gue perna juga nyoba main-main di omegle. sumpah, nga betah gue. apa gue aja emang yg nga suka chat ama orang asing model omegle gitu. hehe :p tapi sumpah sil, kocak kocak.

Sisil Rilia said...

gue juga engga begitu suka chat sama orang asing begitu el maka nya gue coba nya bareng temen2 gue hehe iya sumpah bego banget deh tuh stranger nya hahahaha

Lynn said...

hahahahaa kocakkk omegle! :P
btw, itu yang poladroid warna foto2nya edit sendiri dulu di potoshop atau lsg bisa diedit di softwarenya?

Sisil Rilia said...

ada yg diedit dulu di photoshop, ada yg langsung dari poladriod nya tapi engga diedit, jadi emang warna dari poladroid nya udah begitu. engga tau tuh warna yg dari poladroid nya bisa beda2 gitu, mungkin tergantung sama contras foto nya juga kali ya hehe :)

Zippy said...

Hmmmm, coba lo banting aja Hape lo, kali aja ntar ada sinyal'x, wkwkwkwk....

Suka sotoshop jg rupanya, hehhehe...

Sisil Rilia said...

bukan hp nya yg rusk tapi nomer nya. sekarang juga udah bener kok

photoshop suka sih tapi engga begitu addict