First, i wanna say "Happy Youngster Promise Day!" or we usuallly call it "Hari Sumpah Pemuda" in bahasa hahaha.
Okay, let's talk the main topic! Mungkin ini sedikit basi ya ceritanya, tapi daripada mubazir ga diceritain kan sayang wehehe. This is the report about My 17th birthday party! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Sebenernya bukan party juga sih, cuma makan makan aja kok, yg penting semua nya happy, iye ga?
Saturday, October 24th 2009 @ Sky Dining.
It's meee, it's meee!!! The Birthday Girl :333
thanks for the surprise, girl! Oh, it really touched my heart..... (not kidding)
tampang gue ga ens tapi kue nya ens banget!!!!!
ciyeee Adam dikelilingi wanita wanita huakakakak
Me with my new dress from all my girls, thankyouuu, i love it! ;)
Teman sepergaulan (-3)
Kak Enadjellypilot juga datang looooh, thankyou kak. Btw poni gue bolong aneh abis.
Kak Bena juga sempetin dateng, thankyouuuuu kak Bena.
like this picture sooo much, thanks kak Enad for taking the picture!
the presents, thankuuuu so muuuch all :D
thanks for the surprise, girl! Oh, it really touched my heart..... (not kidding)
tampang gue ga ens tapi kue nya ens banget!!!!!
ciyeee Adam dikelilingi wanita wanita huakakakak
Me with my new dress from all my girls, thankyouuu, i love it! ;)
Teman sepergaulan (-3)
Kak Enadjellypilot juga datang looooh, thankyou kak. Btw poni gue bolong aneh abis.
Kak Bena juga sempetin dateng, thankyouuuuu kak Bena.
like this picture sooo much, thanks kak Enad for taking the picture!
the presents, thankuuuu so muuuch all :D
Anyway, gue abis potong rambut nih, jadi lebih pendek, and this is what i want! Tapi kadang kadang suka kangen juga sama rambut gue yg panjang huhu. Tapi gara gara bawahnya kering banget itu loooh jadi lebih baik dipotong, toh nanti tumbuh lagi huehehe. Menjadi seperti ini...
Anddddddd, finally Aquapix underwater nya sudah di tangan!!!!! Yippieeeeeyeiyey :D
Terus sabtu besok rencana nya mau ketemu lagi sama Kak Enad, untuk menjemput keluarga Jelly Lens yg telah gue pesan, wait for your mom, babies! Wihiiiiiiiiiiiiiw!!!
Oke, enough ya! Byebye!
The Birthday Girl,
Terus sabtu besok rencana nya mau ketemu lagi sama Kak Enad, untuk menjemput keluarga Jelly Lens yg telah gue pesan, wait for your mom, babies! Wihiiiiiiiiiiiiiw!!!
Oke, enough ya! Byebye!
The Birthday Girl,