Monday, May 16, 2011


Alhamdulillah ya Allah.. :')

I've officially graduated from 71 Senior High School. And congratulation to all 12th graders who can graduated too. Glad to know that so many 12th graders had officially graduated :D

And i'm still waiting for announcement of SNMPTN Undangan result, hope i can get UI *crossingfingers*
Pray for me, please? ;)

Now the real life is begins. Prepare yourself for the best future. Good luck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rasakan dan Nikmati kesegaran dan kebugaran didalam tubuh anda.... pria dan wanita, loch. Semua keluhan yang Anda rasakan disini solusinya... Langsung dari hp anda, hanya dengan ketik REG BUGAR kirim ke 9789(khusus Telkomsel) berbagai tips tips kebugaran bisa langsung didapat. Dijamin PRIA dan WANITA pun puas bs merasakan khasiatnya. Berani mencoba..!!!!